Large 70s Lavender Wrap - Chenille Openwork Knit Cardigan - Size 14 - Light Purple - Batwing Sleeves - Mint Condition - Waist 32 - 35241

$ 29.99

This lavender cardigan is light as air in a sassy swagger! It's a late 70s knit layer, wispy sheer with cap sleeves and a slouchy hip tie.

Ladies' Size
Large (up to 14)

Bust up to 46, Waist 32; Shoulder to Hem 24 Inches


None, factory made

Lavender purple acrylic knit in openwork striped chenille yarn

Self tie at top of hip


Condition Detail
Like new, no problems

Washing Instructions
Warm hand wash, shape and dry flat, steam if needed

Please note: All measurements (bust - waist - hip) are the maximum body measurements that will fit the item. These measurements already have ease subtracted and they are not actual fabric widths. To get actual fabric widths add two inches at the bust - one inch at the waist and two inches at the hip.

Size listed is a modern size. Any available vintage size is noted in the Label description. Please remember vintage sizes and modern sizes can vary a great deal.

Additional photos are often available.
Please let us know if you have any questions!

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