Plaid Mohair Scarf - Navy Blue & Forest Green Tartan Shawl - Made in Scotland - Rectangular Fuzzy Wool with Fringe - Warm Coat Neck Wrapper

$ 37.50

Gorgeous mohair scarf in silky-soft mohair! This beautiful tartan scarf is artisan style mohair, made in Scotland in a loose weave with exquisite wavy texture. It's a size ideal for under your winter coat with self fringe to either end. Looks like a mid-century accessory, made decades later in the 1990s.

51 x 10 Inches

1990 - 1998

' 70% mohair - 30% wool / Made in Scotland ' at one end

Gorgeous silky-soft plaid mohair blend with a wavy, flossy texture that's wonderfully tactile, colors are navy blue, forest green, lemon yellow, and white

None needed


Condition Detail
Looks and feels like new

Washing Instructions
Dry clean; or lukewarm hand wash (no agitation, wringing or twisting), shape and dry flat, steam if needed

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