Size 8 Designer Knit Top - ca. 1980 Black Christian Dior Sleeveless Sweater - Paris Boutique - Feels Like Angora - Fall - Bust 37 - 34134

$ 124.99

This Christian Dior sleeveless sweater is a top pick for its superbly soft textured knit and its always-apropos color. This sleeveless knit top has cabling, nubby knit accents and pointelle panels with just enough interest to enrich this knit. Fine ribbing to the edges.

Ladies' Size
8 to 9

Bust 37, Hip 37; Neck to Hem 24 Inches


' Christian Dior / BOUTIQUE / PARIS ' at back neck

Cashmere-soft matte black knit alternating with panels of a different, loftier knit, likely angora or mohair; unfortunately no fiber content label remains though this is likely a cashmere & angora blend

None needed


Condition Detail
Pristine, would be mint except a second label has been cut

Washing Instructions
Dry clean; or lukewarm hand wash, no agitation, shape and dry flat, steam if needed

Please note: All measurements (bust - waist - hip) are the maximum body measurements that will fit the item. These measurements already have ease subtracted and they are not actual fabric widths. To get actual fabric widths add two inches at the bust - one inch at the waist and two inches at the hip.

Size listed is a modern size. Any available vintage size is noted in the Label description. Please remember vintage sizes and modern sizes can vary a great deal.

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